Suorce: http://www.bea.gov/industry/gdpbyind_data.htm |
IO Code |
Description |
2013 |
Current-dollar gross output
(Millions of dollars) |
1111A0 |
Oilseed farming |
44948 |
1111B0 |
Grain farming |
90580 |
111200 |
Vegetable and melon farming |
24428 |
111300 |
Fruit and tree nut farming |
26789 |
111400 |
Greenhouse, nursery, and
floriculture production |
19489 |
111900 |
Other crop farming |
28217 |
1121A0 |
Beef cattle ranching and
farming, including feedlots and dual-purpose ranching and farming |
75568 |
112120 |
Dairy cattle and milk production |
41201 |
112A00 |
Animal production, except cattle
and poultry and eggs |
30064 |
112300 |
Poultry and egg production |
45215 |
113000 |
Forestry and logging |
20504 |
114000 |
Fishing, hunting and trapping |
10430 |
115000 |
Support activities for
agriculture and forestry |
20902 |
211000 |
Oil and gas extraction |
399195 |
212100 |
Coal mining |
58049 |
2122A0 |
Iron, gold, silver, and other
metal ore mining |
21349 |
212230 |
Copper, nickel, lead, and zinc
mining |
12441 |
212310 |
Stone mining and quarrying |
17134 |
2123A0 |
Other nonmetallic mineral mining
and quarrying |
18989 |
213111 |
Drilling oil and gas wells |
44097 |
21311A |
Other support activities for
mining |
59384 |
22111A |
Other electric power generation,
including hydroelectric |
7971 |
221112 |
Fossil fuel electric power
generation |
83752 |
221113 |
Nuclear electric power
generation |
27947 |
221120 |
Electric power transmission,
control, and distribution |
159657 |
221200 |
Natural gas distribution |
94182 |
221300 |
Water, sewage and other systems |
13093 |
230301 |
Nonresidential maintenance and
repair |
163860 |
230302 |
Residential maintenance and
repair |
66938 |
233210 |
Health care structures |
40366 |
233230 |
Manufacturing structures |
43707 |
233240 |
Power and communication
structures |
90441 |
233262 |
Educational and vocational
structures |
82274 |
233293 |
Highways and streets |
67253 |
2332A0 |
Commercial structures, including
farm structures |
76946 |
2332B0 |
Other nonresidential structures |
118934 |
233411 |
Single-family residential
structures |
162461 |
233412 |
Multifamily residential
structures |
35766 |
2334A0 |
Other residential structures |
185920 |
321100 |
Sawmills and wood preservation |
27134 |
321200 |
Veneer, plywood, and engineered
wood product manufacturing |
17234 |
321910 |
Millwork |
21836 |
3219A0 |
All other wood product
manufacturing |
21287 |
327100 |
Clay product and refractory
manufacturing |
7992 |
327200 |
Glass and glass product
manufacturing |
23752 |
327310 |
Cement manufacturing |
5818 |
327320 |
Ready-mix concrete manufacturing |
21242 |
327330 |
Concrete pipe, brick, and block
manufacturing |
6169 |
327390 |
Other concrete product
manufacturing |
8269 |
327400 |
Lime and gypsum product
manufacturing |
6217 |
327910 |
Abrasive product manufacturing |
5351 |
327991 |
Cut stone and stone product
manufacturing |
3263 |
327992 |
Ground or treated mineral and
earth manufacturing |
4185 |
327993 |
Mineral wool manufacturing |
5696 |
327999 |
Miscellaneous nonmetallic
mineral products |
3026 |
331110 |
Iron and steel mills and
ferroalloy manufacturing |
104148 |
331200 |
Steel product manufacturing from
purchased steel |
23741 |
33131A |
Alumina refining and primary
aluminum production |
9348 |
331314 |
Secondary smelting and alloying
of aluminum |
6725 |
33131B |
Aluminum product manufacturing
from purchased aluminum |
33209 |
331411 |
Primary smelting and refining of
copper |
13074 |
331419 |
Primary smelting and refining of
nonferrous metal (except copper and aluminum) |
12990 |
331420 |
Copper rolling, drawing,
extruding and alloying |
33012 |
331490 |
Nonferrous metal (except copper
and aluminum) rolling, drawing, extruding and alloying |
30419 |
331510 |
Ferrous metal foundries |
19069 |
331520 |
Nonferrous metal foundries |
13691 |
33211A |
All other forging, stamping, and
sintering |
13502 |
332114 |
Custom roll forming |
8038 |
33211B |
Crown and closure manufacturing
and metal stamping |
13422 |
332200 |
Cutlery and handtool
manufacturing |
10564 |
332310 |
Plate work and fabricated
structural product manufacturing |
38840 |
332320 |
Ornamental and architectural
metal products manufacturing |
36622 |
332410 |
Power boiler and heat exchanger
manufacturing |
6244 |
332420 |
Metal tank (heavy gauge)
manufacturing |
6649 |
332430 |
Metal can, box, and other metal
container (light gauge) manufacturing |
17331 |
332500 |
Hardware manufacturing |
7006 |
332600 |
Spring and wire product
manufacturing |
8998 |
332710 |
Machine shops |
41569 |
332720 |
Turned product and screw, nut,
and bolt manufacturing |
25977 |
332800 |
Coating, engraving, heat
treating and allied activities |
28755 |
33291A |
Valve and fittings other than
plumbing |
29430 |
332913 |
Plumbing fixture fitting and
trim manufacturing |
3296 |
332991 |
Ball and roller bearing
manufacturing |
9177 |
33299A |
Ammunition, arms, ordnance, and
accessories manufacturing |
16539 |
332996 |
Fabricated pipe and pipe fitting
manufacturing |
7923 |
33299B |
Other fabricated metal
manufacturing |
16653 |
333111 |
Farm machinery and equipment
manufacturing |
25667 |
333112 |
Lawn and garden equipment
manufacturing |
7646 |
333120 |
Construction machinery
manufacturing |
50728 |
333130 |
Mining and oil and gas field
machinery manufacturing |
26950 |
33329A |
Other industrial machinery
manufacturing |
25491 |
333220 |
Plastics and rubber industry
machinery manufacturing |
3866 |
333295 |
Semiconductor machinery
manufacturing |
16188 |
33331A |
Vending, commercial laundry, and
other commercial and service industry machinery manufacturing |
15555 |
333313 |
Office machinery manufacturing |
1649 |
333314 |
Optical instrument and lens
manufacturing |
4871 |
333315 |
Photographic and photocopying
equipment manufacturing |
2424 |
33341A |
Air purification and ventilation
equipment manufacturing |
6035 |
333414 |
Heating equipment (except warm
air furnaces) manufacturing |
5219 |
333415 |
Air conditioning, refrigeration,
and warm air heating equipment manufacturing |
32978 |
333511 |
Industrial mold manufacturing |
7458 |
33351A |
Metal cutting and forming
machine tool manufacturing |
8383 |
333514 |
Special tool, die, jig, and
fixture manufacturing |
10391 |
33351B |
Cutting and machine tool
accessory, rolling mill, and other metalworking machinery manufacturing |
9598 |
333611 |
Turbine and turbine generator
set units manufacturing |
15106 |
333612 |
Speed changer, industrial
high-speed drive, and gear manufacturing |
3846 |
333613 |
Mechanical power transmission
equipment manufacturing |
4386 |
333618 |
Other engine equipment
manufacturing |
28083 |
33391A |
Pump and pumping equipment
manufacturing |
16619 |
333912 |
Air and gas compressor
manufacturing |
9436 |
333920 |
Material handling equipment
manufacturing |
33128 |
333991 |
Power-driven handtool
manufacturing |
3932 |
33399A |
Other general purpose machinery
manufacturing |
20268 |
333993 |
Packaging machinery
manufacturing |
6404 |
333994 |
Industrial process furnace and
oven manufacturing |
2907 |
33399B |
Fluid power process machinery |
9118 |
334111 |
Electronic computer
manufacturing |
11776 |
334112 |
Computer storage device
manufacturing |
10336 |
33411A |
Computer terminals and other
computer peripheral equipment manufacturing |
13101 |
334210 |
Telephone apparatus
manufacturing |
10138 |
334220 |
Broadcast and wireless
communications equipment |
31636 |
334290 |
Other communications equipment
manufacturing |
6045 |
334300 |
Audio and video equipment
manufacturing |
4661 |
33441A |
Other electronic component
manufacturing |
30608 |
334413 |
Semiconductor and related device
manufacturing |
79908 |
334418 |
Printed circuit assembly
(electronic assembly) manufacturing |
21109 |
334510 |
Electromedical and
electrotherapeutic apparatus manufacturing |
24672 |
334511 |
Search, detection, and
navigation instruments manufacturing |
53560 |
334512 |
Automatic environmental control
manufacturing |
3125 |
334513 |
Industrial process variable
instruments manufacturing |
10726 |
334514 |
Totalizing fluid meter and
counting device manufacturing |
6953 |
334515 |
Electricity and signal testing
instruments manufacturing |
10381 |
334516 |
Analytical laboratory instrument
manufacturing |
15598 |
334517 |
Irradiation apparatus
manufacturing |
5577 |
33451A |
Watch, clock, and other
measuring and controlling device manufacturing |
11035 |
334610 |
Manufacturing and reproducing
magnetic and optical media |
3917 |
335110 |
Electric lamp bulb and part
manufacturing |
1387 |
335120 |
Lighting fixture manufacturing |
8380 |
335210 |
Small electrical appliance
manufacturing |
2863 |
335221 |
Household cooking appliance
manufacturing |
4830 |
335222 |
Household refrigerator and home
freezer manufacturing |
3927 |
335224 |
Household laundry equipment
manufacturing |
3653 |
335228 |
Other major household appliance
manufacturing |
4586 |
335311 |
Power, distribution, and
specialty transformer manufacturing |
5800 |
335312 |
Motor and generator
manufacturing |
12071 |
335313 |
Switchgear and switchboard
apparatus manufacturing |
10655 |
335314 |
Relay and industrial control
manufacturing |
9865 |
335911 |
Storage battery manufacturing |
6898 |
335912 |
Primary battery manufacturing |
4808 |
335920 |
Communication and energy wire
and cable manufacturing |
15599 |
335930 |
Wiring device manufacturing |
11138 |
335991 |
Carbon and graphite product
manufacturing |
3199 |
335999 |
All other miscellaneous
electrical equipment and component manufacturing |
9968 |
336111 |
Automobile manufacturing |
129423 |
336112 |
Light truck and utility vehicle
manufacturing |
203958 |
336120 |
Heavy duty truck manufacturing |
28086 |
336211 |
Motor vehicle body manufacturing |
12445 |
336212 |
Truck trailer manufacturing |
8695 |
336213 |
Motor home manufacturing |
2829 |
336214 |
Travel trailer and camper
manufacturing |
10169 |
336310 |
Motor vehicle gasoline engine
and engine parts manufacturing |
23299 |
336320 |
Motor vehicle electrical and
electronic equipment manufacturing |
18289 |
3363A0 |
Motor vehicle steering,
suspension component (except spring), and brake systems manufacturing |
24013 |
336350 |
Motor vehicle transmission and
power train parts manufacturing |
35630 |
336360 |
Motor vehicle seating and
interior trim manufacturing |
20372 |
336370 |
Motor vehicle metal stamping |
31227 |
336390 |
Other motor vehicle parts
manufacturing |
52439 |
336411 |
Aircraft manufacturing |
155881 |
336412 |
Aircraft engine and engine parts
manufacturing |
38214 |
336413 |
Other aircraft parts and
auxiliary equipment manufacturing |
36151 |
336414 |
Guided missile and space vehicle
manufacturing |
19984 |
33641A |
Propulsion units and parts for
space vehicles and guided missiles |
6369 |
336500 |
Railroad rolling stock
manufacturing |
15302 |
336611 |
Ship building and repairing |
28332 |
336612 |
Boat building |
7786 |
336991 |
Motorcycle, bicycle, and parts
manufacturing |
5123 |
336992 |
Military armored vehicle, tank,
and tank component manufacturing |
5916 |
336999 |
All other transportation
equipment manufacturing |
5978 |
337110 |
Wood kitchen cabinet and
countertop manufacturing |
12246 |
337121 |
Upholstered household furniture
manufacturing |
8907 |
337122 |
Nonupholstered wood household
furniture manufacturing |
4350 |
33712A |
Other household nonupholstered
furniture |
3262 |
337127 |
Institutional furniture
manufacturing |
4088 |
33721A |
Office furniture and custom
architectural woodwork and millwork manufacturing |
16290 |
337215 |
Showcase, partition, shelving,
and locker manufacturing |
6543 |
337900 |
Other furniture related product
manufacturing |
10579 |
339112 |
Surgical and medical instrument
manufacturing |
40396 |
339113 |
Surgical appliance and supplies
manufacturing |
40982 |
339114 |
Dental equipment and supplies
manufacturing |
5653 |
339115 |
Ophthalmic goods manufacturing |
6090 |
339116 |
Dental laboratories |
5290 |
339910 |
Jewelry and silverware
manufacturing |
12843 |
339920 |
Sporting and athletic goods
manufacturing |
9879 |
339930 |
Doll, toy, and game
manufacturing |
2846 |
339940 |
Office supplies (except paper)
manufacturing |
4385 |
339950 |
Sign manufacturing |
12039 |
339990 |
All other miscellaneous
manufacturing |
31644 |
311111 |
Dog and cat food manufacturing |
19289 |
311119 |
Other animal food manufacturing |
34532 |
311210 |
Flour milling and malt
manufacturing |
20217 |
311221 |
Wet corn milling |
14952 |
31122A |
Soybean and other oilseed
processing |
33990 |
311225 |
Fats and oils refining and
blending |
15741 |
311230 |
Breakfast cereal manufacturing |
10757 |
311300 |
Sugar and confectionery product
manufacturing |
34644 |
311410 |
Frozen food manufacturing |
29353 |
311420 |
Fruit and vegetable canning,
pickling, and drying |
38908 |
31151A |
Fluid milk and butter
manufacturing |
36851 |
311513 |
Cheese manufacturing |
42764 |
311514 |
Dry, condensed, and evaporated
dairy product manufacturing |
16580 |
311520 |
Ice cream and frozen dessert
manufacturing |
6696 |
31161A |
Animal (except poultry)
slaughtering, rendering, and processing |
149272 |
311615 |
Poultry processing |
55740 |
311700 |
Seafood product preparation and
packaging |
11094 |
311810 |
Bread and bakery product
manufacturing |
38231 |
3118A0 |
Cookie, cracker, pasta, and
tortilla manufacturing |
27399 |
311910 |
Snack food manufacturing |
31337 |
311920 |
Coffee and tea manufacturing |
14224 |
311930 |
Flavoring syrup and concentrate
manufacturing |
11045 |
311940 |
Seasoning and dressing
manufacturing |
18746 |
311990 |
All other food manufacturing |
22702 |
312110 |
Soft drink and ice manufacturing |
45003 |
312120 |
Breweries |
31513 |
312130 |
Wineries |
16243 |
312140 |
Distilleries |
12802 |
312200 |
Tobacco product manufacturing |
69934 |
313100 |
Fiber, yarn, and thread mills |
7656 |
313200 |
Fabric mills |
15468 |
313300 |
Textile and fabric finishing and
fabric coating mills |
8029 |
314110 |
Carpet and rug mills |
9978 |
314120 |
Curtain and linen mills |
4169 |
314900 |
Other textile product mills |
10604 |
315000 |
Apparel manufacturing |
21169 |
316000 |
Leather and allied product
manufacturing |
8549 |
322110 |
Pulp mills |
5229 |
322120 |
Paper mills |
47764 |
322130 |
Paperboard mills |
27588 |
322210 |
Paperboard container
manufacturing |
51294 |
322220 |
Paper bag and coated and treated
paper manufacturing |
18289 |
322230 |
Stationery product manufacturing |
5881 |
322291 |
Sanitary paper product
manufacturing |
10341 |
322299 |
All other converted paper
product manufacturing |
3729 |
323110 |
Printing |
75287 |
323120 |
Support activities for printing |
3926 |
324110 |
Petroleum refineries |
751171 |
324121 |
Asphalt paving mixture and block
manufacturing |
11830 |
324122 |
Asphalt shingle and coating
materials manufacturing |
9902 |
324190 |
Other petroleum and coal
products manufacturing |
22733 |
325110 |
Petrochemical manufacturing |
83519 |
325120 |
Industrial gas manufacturing |
7110 |
325130 |
Synthetic dye and pigment
manufacturing |
7636 |
325180 |
Other basic inorganic chemical
manufacturing |
34635 |
325190 |
Other basic organic chemical
manufacturing |
127681 |
325211 |
Plastics material and resin
manufacturing |
83541 |
3252A0 |
Synthetic rubber and artificial
and synthetic fibers and filaments manufacturing |
17571 |
325310 |
Fertilizer manufacturing |
21329 |
325320 |
Pesticide and other agricultural
chemical manufacturing |
9788 |
325411 |
Medicinal and botanical
manufacturing |
13773 |
325412 |
Pharmaceutical preparation
manufacturing |
173205 |
325413 |
In-vitro diagnostic substance
manufacturing |
13006 |
325414 |
Biological product (except
diagnostic) manufacturing |
23425 |
325510 |
Paint and coating manufacturing |
24153 |
325520 |
Adhesive manufacturing |
11944 |
325610 |
Soap and cleaning compound
manufacturing |
50746 |
325620 |
Toilet preparation manufacturing |
34499 |
325910 |
Printing ink manufacturing |
4783 |
3259A0 |
All other chemical product and
preparation manufacturing |
42064 |
326110 |
Plastics packaging materials and
unlaminated film and sheet manufacturing |
38641 |
326120 |
Plastics pipe, pipe fitting, and
unlaminated profile shape manufacturing |
13847 |
326130 |
Laminated plastics plate, sheet
(except packaging), and shape manufacturing |
3212 |
326140 |
Polystyrene foam product
manufacturing |
9032 |
326150 |
Urethane and other foam product
(except polystyrene) manufacturing |
9262 |
326160 |
Plastics bottle manufacturing |
12924 |
326190 |
Other plastics product
manufacturing |
86273 |
326210 |
Tire manufacturing |
21092 |
326220 |
Rubber and plastics hoses and
belting manufacturing |
5290 |
326290 |
Other rubber product
manufacturing |
17734 |
423000 |
Merchant wholesalers, durable
goods |
755503 |
424000 |
Merchant wholesalers, nondurable
goods |
660057 |
425000 |
Wholesale electronic markets and
agents and brokers |
45741 |
42XXXX |
Wholesale trade adjustments |
35424 |
441000 |
Motor vehicle and parts dealers |
253783 |
442000 |
Furniture and home furnishings
stores |
51823 |
443000 |
Electronics and appliance stores |
37201 |
444000 |
Building material and garden
equipment and supplies dealers |
124999 |
445000 |
Food and beverage stores |
219115 |
446000 |
Health and personal care stores |
93867 |
447000 |
Gasoline stations |
91091 |
448000 |
Clothing and clothing
accessories stores |
133485 |
451000 |
Sporting goods, hobby, book, and
music stores |
44315 |
452000 |
General merchandise stores |
216094 |
453000 |
Miscellaneous store retailers |
63106 |
454000 |
Nonstore retailers |
188739 |
481000 |
Air transportation |
173525 |
482000 |
Rail transportation |
81683 |
483000 |
Water transportation |
58460 |
484000 |
Truck transportation |
310057 |
485000 |
Transit and ground passenger
transportation |
54091 |
486000 |
Pipeline transportation |
29544 |
48A000 |
Scenic and sightseeing
transportation and support activities for transportation |
111246 |
492000 |
Couriers and messengers |
90923 |
493000 |
Warehousing and storage |
86920 |
511110 |
Newspaper publishers |
32393 |
511120 |
Periodical Publishers |
40113 |
511130 |
Book publishers |
37343 |
5111A0 |
Directory, mailing list, and
other publishers |
17394 |
511200 |
Software publishers |
188435 |
512100 |
Motion picture and video
industries |
130288 |
512200 |
Sound recording industries |
21185 |
515100 |
Radio and television
broadcasting |
76271 |
515200 |
Cable and other subscription
programming |
83565 |
517110 |
Wired telecommunications
carriers |
351590 |
517210 |
Wireless telecommunications
carriers (except satellite) |
238446 |
517A00 |
Satellite, telecommunications
resellers, and all other telecommunications |
36682 |
518200 |
Data processing, hosting, and
related services |
112725 |
5191A0 |
News syndicates, libraries,
archives and all other information services |
8728 |
519130 |
Internet publishing and
broadcasting and Web search portals |
68074 |
52A000 |
Monetary authorities and
depository credit intermediation |
500287 |
522A00 |
Nondepository credit
intermediation and related activities |
188094 |
523A00 |
Securities and commodity
contracts intermediation and brokerage |
197229 |
523900 |
Other financial investment
activities |
253098 |
524100 |
Insurance carriers |
573587 |
524200 |
Insurance agencies, brokerages,
and related activities |
216172 |
525000 |
Funds, trusts, and other
financial vehicles |
127474 |
5310HS |
Housing |
1775582 |
531ORE |
Other real estate |
921118 |
532100 |
Automotive equipment rental and
leasing |
56344 |
532A00 |
Consumer goods and general
rental centers |
28031 |
532400 |
Commercial and industrial
machinery and equipment rental and leasing |
62338 |
533000 |
Lessors of nonfinancial
intangible assets |
162988 |
541100 |
Legal services |
300441 |
541511 |
Custom computer programming
services |
149237 |
541512 |
Computer systems design services |
113812 |
54151A |
Other computer related services,
including facilities management |
78846 |
541200 |
Accounting, tax preparation,
bookkeeping, and payroll services |
162336 |
541300 |
Architectural, engineering, and
related services |
250400 |
541400 |
Specialized design services |
28157 |
541610 |
Management consulting services |
182363 |
5416A0 |
Environmental and other
technical consulting services |
43005 |
541700 |
Scientific research and
development services |
216461 |
541800 |
Advertising, public relations,
and related services |
152098 |
5419A0 |
Marketing research and all other
miscellaneous professional, scientific, and technical services |
81145 |
541920 |
Photographic services |
12304 |
541940 |
Veterinary services |
32414 |
550000 |
Management of companies and
enterprises |
559234 |
561100 |
Office administrative services |
65407 |
561200 |
Facilities support services |
33298 |
561300 |
Employment services |
216863 |
561400 |
Business support services |
72564 |
561500 |
Travel arrangement and
reservation services |
46192 |
561600 |
Investigation and security
services |
50629 |
561700 |
Services to buildings and
dwellings |
157619 |
561900 |
Other support services |
41061 |
562000 |
Waste management and remediation
services |
89741 |
611100 |
Elementary and secondary schools |
42217 |
611A00 |
Junior colleges, colleges,
universities, and professional schools |
205018 |
611B00 |
Other educational services |
72012 |
621100 |
Offices of physicians |
440167 |
621200 |
Offices of dentists |
112769 |
621300 |
Offices of other health
practitioners |
88998 |
621400 |
Outpatient care centers |
112901 |
621500 |
Medical and diagnostic
laboratories |
45270 |
621600 |
Home health care services |
72924 |
621900 |
Other ambulatory health care
services |
40858 |
622000 |
Hospitals |
742051 |
623A00 |
Nursing and community care
facilities |
168511 |
623B00 |
Residential mental retardation,
mental health, substance abuse and other facilities |
43070 |
624100 |
Individual and family services |
77167 |
624A00 |
Community food, housing, and
other relief services, including rehabilitation services |
41136 |
624400 |
Child day care services |
47237 |
711100 |
Performing arts companies |
28458 |
711200 |
Spectator sports |
41425 |
711A00 |
Promoters of performing arts and
sports and agents for public figures |
33083 |
711500 |
Independent artists, writers,
and performers |
34967 |
712000 |
Museums, historical sites, zoos,
and parks |
12453 |
713100 |
Amusement parks and arcades |
22439 |
713200 |
Gambling industries (except
casino hotels) |
34397 |
713900 |
Other amusement and recreation
industries |
72882 |
721000 |
Accommodation |
212862 |
722110 |
Full-service restaurants |
278503 |
722211 |
Limited-service restaurants |
317117 |
722A00 |
All other food and drinking
places |
34376 |
811100 |
Automotive repair and
maintenance |
116651 |
811200 |
Electronic and precision
equipment repair and maintenance |
18319 |
811300 |
Commercial and industrial
machinery and equipment repair and maintenance |
36662 |
811400 |
Personal and household goods
repair and maintenance |
21099 |
812100 |
Personal care services |
75523 |
812200 |
Death care services |
21182 |
812300 |
Dry-cleaning and laundry
services |
27149 |
812900 |
Other personal services |
55376 |
813100 |
Religious organizations |
75871 |
813A00 |
Grantmaking, giving, and social
advocacy organizations |
50818 |
813B00 |
Civic, social, professional, and
similar organizations |
76466 |
814000 |
Private households |
18437 |
S00500 |
Federal general government
(defense) |
643293 |
S00600 |
Federal general government
(nondefense) |
365936 |
491000 |
Postal service |
60462 |
S00101 |
Federal electric utilities |
14278 |
S00102 |
Other federal government
enterprises |
16488 |
S00700 |
State and local general
government |
2053103 |
S00201 |
State and local government
passenger transit |
15094 |
S00202 |
State and local government
electric utilities |
36201 |
S00203 |
Other state and local government
enterprises |
224842 |
Total Gross Output Value |
29721285 |
Total GDP |